The Division of Rajshahi: in the northwestern corner of Bangladesh is bordered on the east by the mighty Jamuna River and the Padma/Ganges River on the south, and shares a disputed border with India to the north and west, making access to Gaud, one of the most interesting archaeological sites in all of Bengal, almost impossible. During Partition, the ancient capital of Gaur was split through the middle and now part of it lies in Bangladesh and part in India.
Rajshahi Division has an impressive collection of sites which are spread over a wide area and are best reached by a private vehicle. Rajshahi is a University town, the center of the silk Industry, as well as being an important cultural center. Formerly it was also quite famous as a focal point for the Indigo trade with the Baro Kuthi building witness to the countless atrocities committed by the British related to this disreputable trade. The Varendra Research Museum is an essential starting point as it contains a massive collection of artifacts related to the area. The building itself is a blend of Hindu and Buddhist styles of the eighth and ninth centuries with the prevailing British influence of the 1920s. Inside is one of the finest collections of black stone sculptures in the country.